tips to prepare home in winter

5 Tips for Preparing Your Home for the Upcoming Winter

As winter approaches, it’s important to take steps to winterize your home. This will help protect
your property from the winter weather and minimize the risk of damage. Today we bring you our
top 5 tips for preparing your investment for the harsh cold winter months. Taking these steps will
help winterize your home and help protect your home from winter related damages that we
commonly see in the Northwest.

Preparing Your Home to Prevent Winter Related Damage

Inspect your home for any potential issues

Take a close look at your home and repair any damage that could be made worse by the cold
weather. One area to pay particular attention to is the siding. Loose or damaged siding can
cause drafts, which can lead to higher heating bills. In addition, any cracks or gaps in the siding
can allow moisture to reach the interior of the house, leading to mold and mildew growth. This is
especially an issue for homeowners here in the Northwest. Make sure that all you repair siding
that is damaged and caulk any cracks. Another potential problem area is the foundation. Cracks
in the foundation can allow water to seep in and cause flooding or other damage. Make sure
that you repair foundation issues before temperatures drop. By taking a few minutes to inspect
your home and repair any potential issues, you can help protect your investment and keep your
family safe this winter.

Make sure your gutters are clean

Gutters are an important part of any home’s rain drainage system. They collect water from the
roof and funnel it away from the foundation to prevent water damage. However, gutters can
become clogged with leaves, twigs, and other debris, which can lead to problems during heavy
rains or snow melts. When water is unable to drain properly, it can back up into the gutter
system and cause damage to the gutter, downspouts, and even the foundation of the home. As
a result, it’s important to keep gutters clean and clear of debris especially in the winter months.
Clean and fix any gutter issues before the winter months. If you need help, we offer gutter repair

Trim back trees or bushes

Fallen tree limbs can damage roofs, windows and siding, and they can also block driveways and
walkways. By trimming back trees and bushes before a storm hits, you can help to prevent this
type of damage. In addition, trimming back excess growth will also help to keep your home
more energy-efficient by allowing sunlight to reach the windows. As a result, regular tree
trimming is an important part of winterization for your home.

Keep an eye on the condition of your roof

As a homeowner, it’s important to keep an eye on the condition of your roof. Look for missing or
damaged shingles, and make sure there is no debris buildup that could cause a leak. If you’re
not comfortable climbing up on your roof to check things out, you can always hire a roof
to do an inspection. If you do find damage, it’s important to get it repaired as soon as
possible. Small issues can quickly turn into big problems, and repairs can be expensive.

Fireplace Inspection

Before lighting your first fire of the season, it’s important to have your fireplace and chimney
inspected by a professional. They will check for any blockages or damage that could cause a
chimney fire. A fireplace inspection should be done every year, even if you don’t use your
fireplace often. If it’s been a while since you’ve had your fireplace inspected, the inspector may
recommend having it cleaned as well. This involves removing any build-up of soot and debris
from the fireplace and chimney. A fireplace inspection and cleaning are essential for preventing
a chimney fire, so make sure to schedule them before the winter season begins.

Bonus Tip: Cover outdoor faucets

Faucet covers are an easy and inexpensive way to prevent your pipes from freezing and
cracking during the winter. They work by insulating the faucets and pipes, maintaining a
consistent temperature and preventing the water from freezing. While faucet covers are not
foolproof, they are often effective in protecting against freezing temperatures. You can find
faucet covers at your local hardware store. To ensure maximum protection, be sure to cover all
exposed faucets and pipes, including those in your basement, garage, and shed. In addition, it
is important to winterize outdoor faucets by disconnecting them from the water supply and
draining any remaining water from the pipes. By taking these simple steps, you can help protect
your home from costly damage caused by frozen pipes.

Making sure your house is ready for winter is an important part of being a homeowner. If you
would like help with any of these steps, please feel free to reach out. Kaminski Construction
offers a variety of services to meet your needs. We will work with you to assess your home and
recommend solutions to keep your family safe and warm all winter long. Contact us today to
learn more about our contractor services and get a free quote